The Dastardly Dispatches

Fail miserably
Look at the lives of any great man…And you’ll see something strange.The more glorious the success, the more miserable the failures.Take the youngest president of the United States in history, Theodore Roosevelt.In his twenties, Roosevelt goes into politics…And makes a...
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No shame no gain
On an episode of his podcast, Jocko was talking with retired UFC fighter, author and army veteran Tim Kennedy.And at one point in the conversation...Tim's talking about his first ever wrestling competition.He was 13 at the time....A really small kid...And...
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He who lieth with dogs shall rise with fleas
When we first heard the famous Jim Rohn quote:"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with".We thought, "Yeah, yeah. Riiiight."But over the years..It's been scary how true it’s proven to be.When we were younger,...
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Surrounded on all sides
Paris. 1624.  The Bourbon dynasty of Louis XIII is in a life-or-death struggle. Surrounding France on all sides is an iron circle controlled by their enemies, the Hapsburgs. A hostile Spain to the South, Italy and Austria to the East,...
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